Sunday, July 3, 2011

Big Brother

Has anyone ever watched the show Big Brother.  I find the show so fascinating.  The idea of 12-14 random strangers entering a house and isolated under one roof is insane. People of all ethical backgrounds and ages in one contained space spend 24 hours a day together with no TV, no radio, no internet, no cell phones causes chaos.
I have watched Big Brother since season 1 and I am addicted.  Starting in season 10, I started purchasing the Real Player Superpass Live broadcast on the web of the house on a 24 hour basis. I started to find the show even more interesting watching the live feeds and websites with updates on what was going on in the house, Big Brother After Dark on Showtime and the 3 shows per week. I am now totally addicted to the show.  Now don't get me wrong I love the show, but there is no way in hell I would ever do a reality show like this or any type. I give it up to those that can survive with nothing to do in a house for 24 hours a day.  Yes, some of the people who go in are fame seeking individuals and some go in for the challenge and money to make their lives better. In some instances the house guest are locked in the Big Brother House for over 60 days without seeing anyone from the outside world, or knowing what is going on in the world. They won't even know what the verdict is in the Casey Anthony trial, for crying out loud.
Big Brother starts Thursday and I am so excited.  The rumors and speculations about the twist this year are running wild on the Big Brother websites and twitter. My life will come to a stop on Thursday evening at 8pm and I will be doing nothing other than working and watching Big Brother.

Bring on the games!!!